We will be heading to London!!! A week from right now, I will be on a plane, a very long plane ride that I am not looking forward too! LOL! However, I can't wait to see all the places that we are headed. Big Ben, the Vatican, Leaning Tower, the Colosseum. Places I have only dreamed of going.
Olivia announced at supper last night that she can't wait to see the Leaning Tower of Pizza. :) I said, "Um, honey, you aren't going with us, so you won't get to see it." She looked at me, with this exasperated look and said, "I know . . . I can't wait to see pictures of it." The attitude is there already at age 6!!
For a split second, I thought maybe we should have taken them. They have really taken an interest in what we are going to go see. But I really think this trip would have been too long for her. I guess we will just have to go again!!!
I am really looking forward to seeing my CTMH friends!!! This will be my third cruise with CTMH and I love seeing my buddies on these trips. It is like a big reunion!! My friend Shannon is with me in the picture above. She lives in Oregon and we were roomies together in Orlando at convention this summer. I can't wait to see her again! She and her husband Aaron are in the room right next to us on the boat, so they will be easy to find on the boat. Can't wait to hang with them!!!! :)
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